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NSW Police

In NSW any person seeking to possess and use a firearm must be authorised by way of a licence or permit.

The links below provide information on each of the licence types and additional related information:

Genuine Reason

Sport / Target Shooting

Sport / Target Shooting Genuine Reason

This genuine reason applies to a person who wishes to participate in Sport/Target Shooting activities as a current member of an approved Target Shooting Club.

Note: The Club must be authorised for target shooting and approved for conducting competitions or activities for the type of firearm authorised by the category of licence for which you are making application. For example, if your club is approved for AB target shooting activities only, then membership of this club would support an application for a category A & B firearms licence application only.

For further information refer to:

Recreational Hunting / Vermin Control

Recreational Hunting / Vermin Control Genuine Reason

This genuine reason applies to a person who wishes to participate in recreational hunting/vermin control (RHVC) activities as:

  1. A current member of an approved club, or
  2. The owner/occupier of rural land, or
  3. A person who has permission to shoot from an owner/occupier of rural land, or
  4. A person who has permission to shoot from a prescribed government agency, including the Department of Primary Industries.

For further information refer to:

Primary Production

Primary Production Genuine Reason

This genuine reason authorises a primary producer to possess and use a firearm in connection with farming & grazing activities.

The authority of the licence is ONLY for land that the applicant owns, manages or leases for the business of primary production, except in the case of a category C licence issued to a primary producer. In this case the primary producer may possess and use a firearm to which a category C licence applies on land which is used for primary production that immediately adjoins their own land provided they have the prior written permission of the owner or occupier of that adjoining land.

An Employee Authority authorising possession and use of a Category C type firearm registered to a primary producer is available for a person employed by a primary producer. To apply, see the link below.

For further information refer to:

Vertebrate Pest Animal Control

Vertebrate Pest Animal Control (VPAC) Genuine Reason

This genuine reason applies to a person who wishes to use firearms for the control or suppression of vertebrate pest animals as:

For further information refer to:

Business or Employment

Business or Employment - Security Industry - Business or Security Guard

For information in relation to a firearms licence for the genuine reason of Business or Employment for a Security Business or for a Security guard, please refer to our Security Industry Firearms page:

Business or Employment - Commercial Fishing

This genuine reason applies to a person who owns and operates a commercial fishing business or to a person employed in the fishing industry. Proof of employment as a commercial fisherman will need to accompany this application.

For further information refer to:

Business or Employment - Business Other

This genuine reason form applies to a person who is in Business or Employment other than the Security Industry or Commercial Fishing. An example of this type of licence is a licence issued to a Council for the purpose of eradication of wild dogs etc.

For further information refer to:

Rural Occupation

Occupational requirements relating to rural purposes - Rural Occupation

This genuine reason form applies to a person who is employed or engaged in a Rural Occupation.

This genuine reason could apply to an employee of a primary producer or a family member of the primary producer to whom the genuine reason of Primary Production does not apply.

For further information refer to:

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare Genuine Reason

This genuine reason is for those people who work with or handle animals and need a firearm for the humane destruction of stock. There are four different types of Animal Welfare genuine reason:

  1. An officer of the RSPCA or the Animal Welfare League who is a special constable, or
  2. A veterinary practitioner, or
  3. An employee of the Department of Primary Industries or the Local Land Services AND who has responsibility for animal welfare, or
  4. The owner, transporter, drover or other handler of animals who may need to humanely destroy animals.

For further information refer to:

Firearms Collection

Firearms Collection Genuine Reason

This genuine reason applies to a person who collects firearms as a current member of a collectors' society or collectors' club approved by the Commissioner of Police. The collection must have a proven genuine commemorative, historical, thematic or financial value.

A Firearm Collector licence allows for the possession of firearms only, not their use.

In addition, there are specific requirements for the storage of firearms forming part of the collection. Section 20(e) of the Firearms Act 1996 and clause 36 of the Firearms Regulation 2017 provide further information on the requirements which must be met for safe storage of firearms kept as a firearms collection. There is also a FACT Sheet 'Safe Storage Level 9 - Firearms Collector' available on the Safe Storage page.

NOTE: This licence does not authorise the collection of ammunition. For information on collection of ammunition see Ammunition Collection Permit.

For further information refer to:

Further Information